New & Improved CITY Website On Its Way!
In the next few days our website will be under construction. Exciting changes are being made that will make navigating our site much easier for everyone.
During this time there will likely be limited online access to our current webpage.
Thank you for your patience as we make much needed improvements to our website.
During this time there will likely be limited online access to our current webpage.
Thank you for your patience as we make much needed improvements to our website.
Training Cancelled Monday March 4th
Due to the weather, all training for Monday March 4th is cancelled. Please stay safe! Go CITY!
New & Improved CITY Website On Its Way!
March Break Camp Registration is Now Open!
Our March Break camp run in partnership with Soccer Nova Scotia is now open for registration! The fo...llowing link will take you to the registration portal. We cannot wait to see the full BMO indoor centre at Soccer Nova Scotia covered in CITY green!
New Tool To Assist Team Managers
Communicate with your team and keep organized with TeamLinkt